Audition Requirements
Once speciality school applications are processed, students will be contacted to schedule auditions.
Students will leave a portfolio of 5 (five) finished artworks, clearly marked with student name, grade, and school on the back. All works will be returned to the student.
Students are encouraged to practice speaking and playing these rhythms before their audition. Practice Rhythms
Dancers must wear leggings to audition. Dancers with ballet or jazz shoes should wear them, but please do not purchase shoes to audition. Barefoot is also acceptable at the audition.
Students will select, prepare, and perform one (1) of these four (4) monologues. Theatre Monologues
Vocal Music
No preparation needed. Students will be guided to sing several short selections and other vocaleses.
No preparation is needed. Beginning students will be given exploratory opportunities at the keyboard. Students who already have piano experience are encouraged to bring a favorite piece to play.